Backpacks for Kids
The Tom Fennessy/Mike Harden Back -To-School Project was initially created to ensure kids living in homeless shelters had school supplies. It was named in recognition of two Columbus Dispatch Newspaper Columnists who knew first hand what it means to struggle. At its inception in 1998, the organization was able to donate over 365 backpacks filled with necessary supplies. In 2020, the project filled 10,800 backpacks with basic supplies for students from low-income families, grades K-12, without regard to race, religion or gender. This was achieved in conjunction with 65 social service agencies, churches, schools and community groups who help disseminate the backpacks to those most in need throughout central Ohio, through the generosity of numerous loyal contributors, and because the organization remains solely comprised of volunteers meaning the administrative costs are less than 1% of the total budget. Thus over the past 23 years, the Tom Fennessy/Mike Harden Back to School Project has distributed 160,000 backpacks to students who otherwise might not have been able to start off their school year with the necessary materials they needed.

My Very Own Blanket
Dedicated to warming the heart of every child in the foster care system with a blanket which gives them a feeling of comfort, security and, most of all, a SMILE!
They connect diverse people, community groups, businesses and services through this volunteer opportunity and ministry to our children in foster care. These gifts are comforting and familiar, and children can take them from one home to another. Through the loving care of volunteers, thousands of blankets are donated each year to children in foster care. Each blanket is personalized with the child’s name, a tradition for My Very Own Blanket since 1999.

Ronald McDonald House
For more than three decades, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ohio (RMHC) has been keeping families close at the Columbus Ronald McDonald House. From its beginnings as a grassroots movement established by a partnership between volunteers and local McDonald’s Owner/Operators, the charity has served thousands of families in their deepest times of need.

Somethings just can’t be learned in a textbook. We all learn best by doing, so role playing is a fun way to learn critical life skills… and make mistakes in a safe environment.
LifeTown is NOT simply a “field trip” – it’s where students apply the lesson plans they’ve worked on in advance in the classroom… and where they develop life skills they’ll be able to transfer to their natural community environments.

Habitat – Wall
Westerville Habitat Partnership provides decent and affordable housing for qualified applicant families.

Meals on WHEELS
LifeCare Alliance’s mission is to lead our community in identifying and delivering health and nutrition services to meet the community’s changing needs.